Cultivated Trees

“Too old to plant trees for my own gratification, I shall do it for my posterity.” Thomas Jefferson

The flower of a Northern Catalpa (Catalpa speciosa), a cultivated tree at Distant Hill Gardens in Walpole, New Hampshire.
The flower of a Northern Catalpa (Catalpa speciosa), a cultivated tree at Distant Hill Gardens.

If a tree below is highlighted in Red, touch or click on it to see a photo of the tree, its fruit, or its flower in the garden.


(N) Designates a tree Native to Eastern North America before Europeans arrived.

Cultivated Large Trees of Distant Hill (over 25’)

Scientific Name

Common Name

Red Maple  (N)

Northern Catalpa

American Smoketree

Maidenhair Tree

American Larch (N)

Dawn Redwood

Amur Corktree***

Norway Spruce

White Spruce (N)

Colorado Blue Spruce

Korean Pine

Burr Oak (N)

Black Locust ***

Northern White Cedar or Arborvitae (N)


*** removed due to invasive tendencies

Cultivated Small Trees of Distant Hill (under 25’)

Scientific Name

Common Name

Acer griseum

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Garnet’

Cornus alternifolia 

Cornus mas

Corylus cornuta x Corylus avellana

Crataegus laevigata

Hamamelis vernalis

Hamamelis virginiana

Magnolia stellata

Malus floribunda ‘Red Jade’ 

Malus ‘Snowdrift’

Pinus banksiana

Pinus leucodermis

Sorbus alnifolia

Sorbus decora

Syringa reticulata

Paperbark Maple

Laceleaf Japanese Maple

Alternate-leaved Dogwood (N)

Cornelian Cherry 


Crimson Cloud Hawthorn

Vernal Witch Hazel

Common Witch Hazel (N)

Star Magnolia

Weeping Crabapple

Snowdrift Crabapple

Jack Pine (N)

Bosnian Pine

Korean Mountain Ash

Showy Mountain Ash (N)

Japanese Tree Lilac